
Bike Washing Machine! (洗衣機單車)

The Real Tumble Dry

So loving this Bike Washing Machine concept! The ideal way to exercise and get laundry done at one go! How effective will the cleaning be? That depends on how good you are at cycling, isn’t it!

Designer: Li Huan

Source資料來源: http://www.yankodesign.com/2014/04/11/the-real-tumble-dry/

The Real Tumble Dry

So loving this Bike Washing Machine concept! The ideal way to exercise and get laundry done at one go! How effective will the cleaning be? That depends on how good you are at cycling, isn’t it!

Designer: Li Huan

Read more at http://www.yankodesign.com/2014/04/11/the-real-tumble-dry/#G4FkbWUHyIxkHqY3.99
So loving this Bike Washing Machine concept! The ideal way to exercise and get laundry done at one go! How effective will the cleaning be? That depends on how good you are at cycling, isn’t it!

Designer: Li Huan

Read more at http://www.yankodesign.com/2014/04/11/the-real-tumble-dry/#G4FkbWUHyIxkHqY3.99
So loving this Bike Washing Machine concept! The ideal way to exercise and get laundry done at one go! How effective will the cleaning be? That depends on how good you are at cycling, isn’t it!

Designer: Li Huan

Read more at http://www.yankodesign.com/2014/04/11/the-real-tumble-dry/#G4FkbWUHyIxkHqY3.99
So loving this Bike Washing Machine concept! The ideal way to exercise and get laundry done at one go! How effective will the cleaning be? That depends on how good you are at cycling, isn’t it!

Designer: Li Huan

Read more at http://www.yankodesign.com/2014/04/11/the-real-tumble-dry/#G4FkbWUHyIxkHqY3.99
So loving this Bike Washing Machine concept! The ideal way to exercise and get laundry done at one go! How effective will the cleaning be? That depends on how good you are at cycling, isn’t it!

Designer: Li Huan

Read more at http://www.yankodesign.com/2014/04/11/the-real-tumble-dry/#G4FkbWUHyIxkHqY3.99
So loving this Bike Washing Machine concept! The ideal way to exercise and get laundry done at one go! How effective will the cleaning be? That depends on how good you are at cycling, isn’t it!

Designer: Li Huan

Read more at http://www.yankodesign.com/2014/04/11/the-real-tumble-dry/#G4FkbWUHyIxkHqY3.99


How to share your GPS from Android phone to iPad WiFi version WITHOUT jailbreak? (如何在無需越獄的前題下從Android手機分享GPS定位資訊到iPad WiFi版?)

Currently, if you are using iPAD WiFi version, you cannot obtain accurate GPS information from the iPAD itself. Or you can have a rough estimation on the location information when you are connecting to Internet via WiFi.
目前,如果你正在使用iPad WiFi版本用家是無法從iPad本身獲得精確的GPS信息。或者,當您通過WiFi連接到互聯網時,你可以獲得一個粗略的估計的位置信息。

Actually, there are already some existing solution to breakthrough this, e.g. jailbreak and use bluetooth external GPS, or use Apple certified external GPS, etc 

But, if you are using an Android phone and don't wanna jailbreak your iPAD / you don't wanna spend extra money on Apple certified GPS, the below solution is a good alternative.
但是,如果你正使用Android手機,而且不想越獄 / 不想花額外的錢去購置蘋果認證的GPS,下面的方案是一個很好的選擇。

Step 1) Share your Wifi from Android phone to iPAD / Make the Android phone and iPAD connect to the same WiFi hot spot
步驟1Android手機分享WiFi到iPAD / 使Android手機和iPAD連接到相同的WiFi熱點

Step 2) Install the below apps into your Android phone:

- Turbo GPS 2


Step 3) Open Turbo GPS 2, set the NMEA server as below:
步驟3開啟Turbo GPS 2並設定NMEA的伺服器如下

Step 4) Open MyIP and found out the Internal IP address:

Step 5) Install LogbookNMEA connect to your iPAD
步驟5安裝LogbookNMEA connect到你的iPad


Step 6) Open LogbookNMEA connect and press "Sources", then press the "+" sign on the upper left corner to add NMEA over IP
步驟6打開LogbookNMEA connect,然後按Sources”然後按左上角“+”號並新增"NMEA over IP"

Step 7) Done. You should able to use more a accurate GPS location in your MAP / navigation app


Android Wear is coming! (可配帶的Android!)

Android Wear is a version of Google's Android operating system designed for smartwatches and other wearables. It was announced on 18 March 2014 with a developer preview available, and integrates Google Now functionality into a smartwatch form factor. Companies including Motorola, Samsung, LG, HTC and ASUS have been announced as partners in the project.
Android Wear是一個谷歌Android專門針對智能手錶和各種隨身智能設備而設計的作業系統年3月18日宣布了給開發者的開發工具預覽版本正式可用,並集成Google Now功能到一個「SmartWatch」製成品上包括摩托羅拉三星,LG,HTC和華碩等公司,已經公佈會成為該項目的合作夥伴。 

The below video may be a little bit boring, but the features of Android Wear is still exciting (to some extend).
下面的視頻可能會令人覺得有點悶,但Android Wear的功能仍然是令人期待的在某種程度上


Extended reading (延伸閱讀):

(Official) Design Principles of Android Wear
(官方Android Wear設計原則


Rumor: Microsoft will launch its Office suite on the iPad at a media event on March 27 (傳聞微軟將於3月27日發佈iPad版本Office)

 "Satya Nadella is planning to host his first press event as Microsoft CEO next week. The software maker has been inviting members of the media to a special cloud- and mobile-focused event in San Francisco on March 27th. Nadella is expected to discuss Microsoft’s "mobile first, cloud first" strategy, and there will be some major news ahead of the company’s Build conference in early April. Sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans tell The Verge that the event will mark the introduction of Office for iPad."



Source of information (資料來源): http://www.theverge.com/2014/3/17/5519614/office-for-ipad-satya-nadella-march-27th-event

Source of image (圖片來源): http://www.cultofmac.com

Virtual Keyboard for my Android and iOS (我的Android和iOS虛擬鍵盤)

The below video about Laser Keyboard really attracted me and my friends' eye ball!

In practical, let me summarize the pros and cons of the Laser Keyboard.

Pros: (優點)

-  very handy (1.5 x 0.7 x 2.7 inches; 2.1 ounces)
-  compatible with most portable devices (iOS4+, Android 4.0+, Mac OS X 10+, Windows XP+, Blackberry 10 devices)
與大多數流動設備(包括iOS4以上版本, Android 4.0以上版本,Mac OS X 以上版本,Windows XP 以上版本Blackberry 10設備)兼容
-  easy to setup
-  eye-catching (This may be the main reason for men! haha)
吸引 (這可能是男士選購的主要原因哈哈)

Cons: (缺點)

must work on flat and opaque surface
-  good user experience in typing, but not gaming

Is it worth to buy? I will say YES (especially for sales and executives to deliver presentation)
是否值得購買我會說是的 (特別是銷售及行政人員可用於簡報會上)

HELP! Too much games requests! (救命!太多遊戲邀請!)

First of all, I would like to thank you for your sincere for sharing your favorite gamessssss... with me. Personally, I am not a Facebook gamer.
首先,我想感謝你真誠地把你最喜愛的數百隻遊戲分享給我。可惜的是  ... 其實我並不是一個Facebook的遊戲玩家

If you have the same situation with me, the steps below may be helpful to you.

Step 1: Go to Facebook page by your desktop computer

- [By referring to below screen capture] Click on the Gear icon (1) -> Settings (2) -> Blocking (3)
[通過參考以下屏幕截圖]點擊齒輪圖標(1) - >設置(2) - >封鎖(3 

Step 2: Choose how to perform blocking

 a) Block users (封鎖用戶)
- that means break off relations, you wont have any chances to communicate with he/she anymore (in Facebook)

b) Block app invites (封鎖應用程邀請)
- if you have a friend who always send out game invites to you, you can just type his /her name here. Then, all app (include games) requests from that individual will be invisible to you (I believe you already have ideas in typing some names there ... hehe)
如果你有一個朋友經常向你發出遊戲邀請,你可以在這裡輸入他/她的名字。然後,他/她所有的應用程(包括遊戲邀請將會自動隱藏 我相信你的腦海已經有了一些名字浮現...哈哈)

c) Block apps (封鎖應用程式)
- if there is a game which is very hot these days (e.g. Candy Crush Saga), you can just type in the name of the game to block it
如果有一個非常熱門的遊戲邀請經常向你招手,你可以直接鍵入那個遊戲的名稱封鎖它 (如: Candy Crush Saga)

Hope this help~


Android User: How can I transfer my WhatsApp chat history to my new phone? (Android用戶:我如何能將我的WhatsApp聊天記錄轉移到我的新手機?)

Assume you are a die hard Android fans and you have buy a new Android Phone. The below steps is to show you how to do the chat history transfer between Android phones.

Step 1: On your existing Android phone, go to WhatsApp -> Settings -> Chat settings -> Backup conversations
第一步:在你現有的Android手機,開啟WhatsApp - >設定 - >對話設定 - >備份對話

Step 2: Transfer the "WhatsApp" folder from the existing phone to the new phone

a) connect the existing phone to PC/MAC as Mass Storage mode
將現有的手機大容量存模式連接到PC/ MAC

If you are using Samsung Mobile, you will see the following when you browse your phone via Computer.

Find a folder named "WhatsApp" and copy it to your desktop temporary.

b) connect your new phone to PC/MAC as Mass Storage mode
將你新的手機大容量存模式連接到PC/ MAC

Copy the "WhatsApp"from your desktop to the new phone.

Step 3: Install WhatsApp on your new phone

During the installation process, WhatsApp will automatically find your backup and ask you if you would like to restore it. Once restored, your old chats will reappear, on your new phone.

-WhatsApp chat history cannot be transferred to different phone number


How to backup / restore your WeChat messages? (如何備份/回復你的WeChat消息?)

In this post, the simple steps of WeChat messages backup & restore will be shown. This should be useful when you switch to a new mobile phone.

Step 1: Open WeChat in your current mobile phone. Goto Settings -> Chat History Backup -> Backup 
(第一步﹕在當前的手機打開WeChat。去"設置" - >"聊天記錄備份" - >"備份")

Step 2: Install WeChat on your new mobile phone. Open WeChat in your current mobile phone. Goto Settings -> Chat History Backup -> Restore
(第二步﹕在新的手機安裝並打開WeChat。去"設置" - >"聊天記錄備份" - >"恢復")



- Backup messages will be lost after 7 days (備份的信息將在7天後刪除)

How is your estimated Internet download / upload speed? ( 如何評估你的互聯網上/下載速度?)

How to measure your ISP download / upload speed between two geographic locations?

Before the test, please make sure (在測試之前請確保):
 - You are not using WiFi connection, as the WiFi connection may be the bottle neck between your device to your ISP (你不是用WiFi連接因為WiFi連接很大可能是你的設備和互聯網供應商之間的瓶頸)
 - You are not using boardband router to make the connection, as your router may be the bottle neck between your device to your ISP as well (你不是使用寬頻路由器進行連接,因為你的路由器也可能是一個瓶頸)
 - You are directly connecting the network cable provided by your ISP to your device. This will eliminate all the "excuse" of your ISP (你是直接連接到您的由ISP提供的網絡電纜。這將消除你的ISP的所有"藉口")

Of course, I assumed your device is not too low-end, low-end device will surly a bottle neck (當然,我已經假定你的設備不是太低端,低端設絕對會是一個瓶頸)

Test A: Speed Test within the same geographic location

- Goto(瀏覽) http://www.SpeedTest.net
- Choose the destination server with the same geographic location, e.g. HK to HK (擇相同地理位置的目標伺服器,例如香港 -> 香港)

Oh my GOD! Why only 42.99Mbps for my purchased 100Mbps service!

Test B: Speed Test within the different geographic location

- Goto(瀏覽) http://www.SpeedTest.net
- Choose the destination server with different geographic location, e.g. HK to US (擇不同地理位置的目標伺服器,例如香港 -> 美國)

 Hope the result will not make you down ...
 希望結果不會讓你太失望 ...

BlueStacks - Running Android on your PC / MAC (BlueStacks - 在你的PC / Mac上運行Android)

Have you ever think of running Android app on your home PC / MAC? It is possible and easy and FREE!
你有沒有想過在你的個人電腦PC/ MAC上運行Android應用程式呢?其實這是可能的及不困難的!而且是免費的!

Below is the example to run Android app under Windows 7
(以下是在Windows 7下運行Android應用程序式的例子)

Step 1: Go to below URL and download BlueStacks

Step 2: Install BlueStacks

Installation may takes 10 - 15 minutes depends your PC processing power. During installation, Internet connection is required.

Step 3: Launch BlueStacks after installation complete. Then search your favourite app to install.


Step 4: It will prompt you to login with your google account when you try to install your first app.


Oh ... just remember that Flappy Bird is removed from Google Play Store, let's play Angry Bird instead. Keke ...
哦......剛記起原來Flappy Bird已經下架,那我們玩玩憤怒的小鳥吧哈哈...

When you try to launch your first installed app, it will show you some the basic zoom control key. "X" is Zoom Out & "Z" is Zoom In.
當你第一次嘗試啟動已安裝的應用程式,它會告訴你一些基本的變焦操控 “X”是縮小Z”是放大

Yeah! You made it!