(想離線觀看YouTube視頻?想備份一個YouTube視頻?如果這是你的想法,我希望下面的方法可以令你更容易完成任務。 )
Step 1: You should have Firefox Web Browser (第1步:你要先按裝好Firefox瀏覽器)
Firefox can be download from below URL:
Step 2: Open Firefox and press "Ctrl+Shift+A" to call the plug-in Manager(第2步:打開Firefox,然後按“CTRL + SHIFT + A”來調用插件管理器)
a) Use the keyword "download youtube video as MP4" to search for the plug-in and install it
(使用關鍵字“download youtube video as MP4”來搜索插件並安裝)
Step 3: Use Firefox to browse the YouTube video that you want to download(使用Firefox瀏覽您想下載的YouTube視頻)
a) You will find that "Download" button will be shown next to the dislike icon(你會發現“Download”按鈕將顯示在dislike圖示的右邊)
b) The downloaded video will be located in the default download folder(下載的視頻將存放於默認的下載資料夾)
In general, the downloaded video (MP4 format) should be able to play in Android or iOS without further software / app installation.
(在一般的情況下,下載的視頻 [MP4格式] 應該能夠不需額外軟件 / 應用程序便可在Android或iOS上播放。)