
Rumor: Microsoft will launch its Office suite on the iPad at a media event on March 27 (傳聞微軟將於3月27日發佈iPad版本Office)

 "Satya Nadella is planning to host his first press event as Microsoft CEO next week. The software maker has been inviting members of the media to a special cloud- and mobile-focused event in San Francisco on March 27th. Nadella is expected to discuss Microsoft’s "mobile first, cloud first" strategy, and there will be some major news ahead of the company’s Build conference in early April. Sources familiar with Microsoft’s plans tell The Verge that the event will mark the introduction of Office for iPad."



Source of information (資料來源): http://www.theverge.com/2014/3/17/5519614/office-for-ipad-satya-nadella-march-27th-event

Source of image (圖片來源): http://www.cultofmac.com

