
Android's "Assistive Touch" (Android的Home鍵)

Are you expecting the iOS Assistive Touch can be used in Android devices? If your answer is Yes, I will recommend you to try the below app that can be found in Google Play Store.
你是否期待著iOS的"Assistive Touch"輔助功能可以在Android設備中使用呢?如果你的答案是"很期待"的話,我會建議你嘗試在谷歌Play商店下載以下的應用程式。  

App Name (應用程式名稱): Home Button
URL(網址): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tr.HmBtn.HomeButton

Usage 1 (用法1)
-You can move the "Home button" to anywhere on the screen

Usage 2 (用法2)
-You can double tap the "Home button" to call the task manager

Usage 3 (用法3)
-You can long press on the "Home button" to configure the "Home button" appearance

